Possible G2 Level weekend away.

Submitted by rickgregory on Fri, 07/17/2015 - 13:41

In September I am planning another BCQ harvesting weekend away (similar to the IoW trip in May), I have a weekend pass for the 11/12/13th so that is most likely to be the weekend.


The plan is:-

Day 1: Drive to Peterborough (130 miles, 2 1/2 - 3 hours) in time for supper and overnight stop.


Day 2: Circular ride through 3 counties (Rutland, Leicestershire, Northants), collecting 6 or 7 BCQs. ~80 miles.


Day 3: Circular route through Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire, collecting 3 BCQs. ~50 flat miles. Drive home in the afternoon/evening.


I will make this into a club event if anyone is interested. I’ll be riding at a steady G2 pace, and there will of course be stop(s).  


I can organise for another quicker group if required. It will be self- supporting so you’ll need to carry your own spares and credit card.


If you are interested please reply to this posting or email me on rwg1@hotmail.co.uk.  If enough folk are interested (>2!),  I’ll do some more planning (hotel and other logistics).





* BCQ = British Cycle Quest.   CTC’s challenge.  Questions need to be answered to prove you’ve met the challenge.