Is the website loading faster for you???

Submitted by adewebb on Sun, 07/20/2014 - 21:13

Dear All
After listening to a lot of feedback on the website only wheezing into life for many of you, our former Webmaster - Andrew Marshall - who built the site has spend some considerable time and technical wizardry in attempts to speed it up. For most of you, it should just mean that the site comes through quicker. For contributors, it will mean that the events, reports and photos you publish won't go through moderation. (That will mean ad-hoc moderation for anything silly so please don't post anything silly! Particularly anything where the copyright doesn't belong to you or anything libellous or defamatory or 'not nice'.
Any feedback about whether it's going quicker for you would be much appreciated so we can gauge if more needs to be done.
And a HUGE thank you to Andrew... who has promised to write a Webmaster's blog for any of you technically interested in how he's done it!