Inside the Tour de France

Submitted by Michael G Ormerod on Thu, 05/08/2014 - 15:44

Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre in Walton are holding an 'Inside the Tour de
France' open day on Sunday 22 June (between 12 noon and 4pm - Q&A at 2pm) and
we're trying to make sure that all local clubs know about it. Journalists,
Ellis Bacon and Lionel Birnie are the co-editors of The Cycling Anthology
will be with us and they will be joined by other leading cycling journalists
to take you inside Le Tour. They'll talk about Cavenidsh, Wiggins, Froome
and the British stars who have taken the Tour by storm and then take
questions from the floor.

We'll have a mini Cycling Trade Show, the cafe will offer French treats and
we'll have a stunning exhibition of cycling photography in our Robert
Phillips Gallery.

The last time we did something like this, we sold out of tickets quickly so
if any of your members wishes to come, pls get them to call us on 01932
253354 to book - tickets are £10.