G2 and the ToB next Saturday

Submitted by rickgregory on Sun, 09/15/2013 - 15:02

As you all know Stage 7 of the ToB will be next Saturday and I'm sure that some folk will be making plans to go and watch the race somewhere.


If there is reasonable G2er interest, next Saturday's G2 could start with a ~20 mile loop to Tanhouse where we can "take" tea etc. Then we could ride via Capel and up Broomehall Lane to Coldharbour and watch the race as they top the second KoM of the stage at about 12:50.  Total ride length would be ~46 miles.


I need to work out the timing, but it should work out OK. Early forecast for the day is reasonable too.


Let me know if you are interested and if there are enough takers,  I'll work the details.