Powers to stop traffic

Submitted by rickgregory on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 21:58

Following the death of a rider during the the Severn Bridge Road Race last weekend, a petition has been started on the Government's e-petition website to give the National Escort Group (NEG) powers to stop traffic during an event.

Everyone who has either road raced and/or marshalled at a road race knows how important the NEG motorcyclists are at helping to keep the riders safe.

This initiative runs parallel to British Cycling efforts to give race marshalls power to halt traffic.

The petition needs a lot of signatures to get noticed by the Government, so spend a couple of minutes and sign up. 

The e-petition is here>  http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/46709

And read more about it in an RCUK article here>


