Mavic Ksyrium Elites Vs Cosmic Carbone SL

Submitted by RichardF on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 21:23

Hi Everyone,

Just wondered if anyone could give me some wheel advice as I'm looking to replace the wheels that came with my Boardman Team Carbon.

I've been considering getting some aero Cosmic Carbones. However, these will be my only set of wheels for a while so will be used for training, club rides and an Ironman distance triathlon in the summer. I'm not sure how much of an advantage these would be in terms of aero dynamics. Weight wise, they are about the same as the Ritchey wheels that I'm replacing.

Alternatively, I could go for the Ksyriums which are lighter and cheaper but with shallower rims than my Ritcheys. I know a lot of people seem to like these wheels.

I'm not sure which of these wheels to get although I'm hankering after the Cosmics as they might be of benefit on my long distance triathlons. Would be grateful for any advice that anyone can offer.

