What's your PB?

Submitted by Nathan on Fri, 05/27/2011 - 18:09

I'm interested in putting together a list of 'PBs' for club members covering various events. Here's my reasoning:

- there is something good about knowing where your rank overall within the club…both currently and historically.
- it provides an incentive for those at all levels of time trialling to 'move up the rankings'.
- adds an additional element of competition within the club.
- historically of interest to the club

There is obviously a long list of events that could be included (and added complication if you include Vets Standards…something I would consider doing later) but in order to keep it simple initially (and to gauge interest) I thought the three following events might be a good start:

Horne 9 (Wed evening club TT)
Horsham 10 (Wed evening club TT 'summer' and open event course)
Leith Hill Climb (Club and open event course)

Pls email me (nattin "at" tiscali.co.uk) with the following info:

Event / Date (year) / Time / Your age when you achieved that time / Road Bike (of some description) or MTB

And pls remember you do not have to be a current Tester to be included. Even if you gave up trialling 20 years ago it'd still be of interest to include these times.



nattin "at" tiscali.co.uk