Nutfield to Brighton (and back...) 2011

Submitted by adewebb on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 21:26


Nutfield to Brighton - 19th June 2011

This has become one of THE RCC annual events. We rode last year with the blessing of the BHF donating £25 each and using the amazing clear roads to whizz down to the seafront and then head back in more leisurely style to the West.

This year, the BHF have asked if we would do it as an official part of the ride. They have offered up to 60 special places for RCC riders even though official entries closed some time back. In return, we pay the standard donation of £31 (which, remember, is a near 100% donation to the British Heart Foundation and not money that goes to Sportive organisers!) but miss the ridiculous congestion at the London start.

We can then all wear official numbers and even finish on Madeira Drive if we wish.  We're the first club in the land to get this special dispensation, so I'd like to respond positively BUT I have to get the number of places we want to the BHF early next week with entry donations up front. So please, please, please if you want to ride this fantastic RCC 'twist on a great event'  and are happy with the proposed arrangement, register your intention to take part by by clicking here.  


The William Wates Memorial fund - who some of you rode for last year at the amazing Tour de Force are also holding an event that day - Le Tour de Force Anglais - a sportive and BBQ event in Dorking, so we may visit that on the way back. If you're not up to the N2B&back ride, consider this great cause instead... or as some of us will, support both!