Christmas Poll - the answer is 932!

Submitted by adewebb on Wed, 01/05/2011 - 17:40

I promised that the answer to the Christmas Poll about how many legs are implied by the song 'The 12 days of Christmas' on Twelfth Night... so here it is.

Contrary to the overwhelmingly selected answer of 648 the correct answer is 932.


The wording of the question was very important. How many legs are 'implied?' meant that some important factors had to be taken into consideration.

  • First, the 12 days gifts are cumulative: each day 'my true love gave to me' the same as yesterday... and something more on top. So each day's legs count towards the answer!
  • Second, the line 'my true love gave to me' implies four legs itself: two for my true love and two for me. However, even though these are mentioned each day they are the same four legs throughout so only count once (ie they add 4 to the total) unlike every other gift which is given multiple times (apart, of course) from the Drummers Drumming which are only given once on the 12th day.
  • Third, 'Maids-a-milking' implies nine legs for each set comprising a maid, a cow and a milking stool. The stool must be included because it has to be used when milking a cow and it will always have three legs so that it can be stable on an uneven surface.


So putting this altogether:

  • 1 x partridge with 2 legs is given 12 times = 24 legs
  • 2 x turtle doves, with 4 legs per set of 2, are given 11 times (so 4 x 11) = 44 legs
  • 3 x French hens, with 6 legs per set of 3, are given 10 times (so 6 x 10) = 60 legs
  • ...and so on until you get to:
  • 8 x Maids, with 9 legs per set of 8, are given 5 times (ie from days 8 through to day 12 inclusively - so 9 x 8 x 5) = 360 legs
  • ...then on until day 12 where Twelve Drummers drumming are given just once = 24 legs.

Add them all up and the sub-total is 928, add in 4 legs for my true love and me = 932 legs in total.


You are reminded that the judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into ;o)