Committee Minutes, 26th April 2010

Submitted by adewebb on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 17:15


Redhill  CC committee meeting  

26th April 2010, 7.30 pm at the home Cottage Pub, Redhill 



Adrian Webb, Frank Grainger, Sharon Houghton, John Twitchen, Steve Grant, Gareth Ashton, Phil Clarke, Geoff Clifton, Bruce Dunbar, Rupert Burbidge, Andrew Murray, Maria Balbi, Mike Ormerod, Nick Curran, Brian Costello


1.  Apologies:   John Eglinton


2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the 29th March committee meeting were approved and signed.


3. Chairman's Report: Adrian opened the meeting by explaining  the need to alter the format of meetings so that the Committee could devote time to debating important issues before the Secretaries' reports to ensure an appropriate hearing for such items. This was agreed by the Committee members.


On the matter of sub-committtees raised at the last meeting it was felt  that Ride Leaders should be given a free hand to organise rides without this needing to be a specific committee function. So long as the organisation does not conflict with club policy or the constitution it was appropriate for those 'on the ground' to have the chance to organise themselves appropriately. Adrian gave the example of the various Time Trial and Race meetings which Geoff, Rupert, Andrew and others organise without recourse to committee approval. It was agreed that for Saturday rides - where numbers are getting larger all the time - the ability for ride leaders to be flexible and make decisions to adapt would be helpful.   This was discussed and agreed.


There was  also a suggestion that those with plenty of ride experience and route knowledge could help add routes to the website for leaders' use. A key quality of ride leaders is good knowledge of the routes embarked upon to avoid dangerous roads and warn about sections ahead. To assist, Mike Ormerod offered to share his route maps which was welcomed.


It was noted that the need for new ride leaders remains - particularly with numbers still growing - and the committee were asked to keep watching out for promising members (preferably with plenty of experience and route knowledge) who may be able to fulfill these roles.


As the numbers at Woodhatch Park are now so big - especially on Saturdays - the prospect of the club starting rides from Brambletye  Primary School was discussed. The school have given us permission to use their playground according to Nick Curran. Nick and Brian Costello have devised a large board on which it is hoped ride details can be displayed for the benefit of the groups who would be able to gather and find the right rides more easily in this kind of meeting area.   The school has easy access down through Royal Earlswood to the Hospital Roundabout which is already a frequently used informal end point and from which The Angel can be reached in minutes.  The date for a switch over will be decided when appropriate arrangements have been made and this will be announced.


Some people would like to see an earlier start for rides during the summer so people can get home in time for families, lunch etc. This was noted as people had recently welcomed a few earlier starts because the traffic is much quieter and conditions pleasant during lighter months.


Reigate and Banstead Sports Festival: volunteers are needed to man the stand. The Gazebo will be ready for the event. Thanks was extended to John Twitchen for all his work on this. We will aim to have rollers and a turbo unit and  Finches Cycles are to be asked to take part by providng a few bikes. 


4.  Appointment of Road Events Secretary: After discussion over the correct protocol for his appointment, it was clarified that the Committee could fill a vacant position appropriately without recourse to a vote. With this Brian Costello was welcomed on to  the committee to take up the role of Roads Events Secretary, proposed by Nick Curran, seconded by Mike Ormerod. He was thanked for his enthusiasm in taking up this role.


5. Kit Latest:  C&N now have our remaining TCC stock in shop and the design and the order with Endura is almost there. Adrian explained that because the design is printed all from the same size template cloth, smaller items would show less of the design than larger items, however this was not seen as a drawback. John Twitchen has placed an order for the off road kit  and suggested  the order for on road kit be placed as soon as possible, we may be able to piggy back it on the off road order. It is possible to 'jump the queue' by making a firm commitment and order. Adrian agreed to progress this. C&N will continue to take cash or cheques made payable to RCC using the opportunity to introduce more of their goods and services at the point of sale.


6. Midweek rides: Maria Balbi is keen to lead some midweek rides, Mike Ormerod pointed out we currently have rides on Wednesdays but these rides were circulated among a small group of members, rather than putting them on the public website. It was felt the forum - which is private to members - should be the place to publicise the rides. Maria outlined her availability on Thursdays and it was agreed that if people were interested she could begin arranging these.


7. Organisation of Saturday rides was dealt with earlier in the meeting.


8.  Ride Leaders: Kevin Greene, Maria Balbi, Richard Sterry , Dave Gill aand Helen Wheeler were added to the leaders approved list.


9.  Host-It: Frank asked if there is a need to update the members list on the current website system. It was noted that most committee members don't use it anyway and with the imminent launch of the new website it was felt updating will be unnecessary. Andrew  Murray pointed out that the new website will enable  committee members to set up specific groups to see content specific to them.


10. Nothing to report from the general secretary.


11.  Membership Secretary's report: Nick Curran reported that we now have 208 members consisting of 137 road riders, 50 off road and 21 doing both. It was agreed that we need to review those who have not renewed and chase accordingly if those riders are still riding.


Nick was asked about  the delay in sending cards to new members. This was due to an administrative error and Nick apologised for this. The requirement for an up to date members list to enable  secretary's to identify lapsed members was also discussed. Nick agreed to forward the list the next morning.


12. Treasurer's report: the club balance now stands at £2804.16 and a copy of the report is attached, the committee also agreed to  put the financial report on the website with the minutes as this too should be open to the club members to see.


13.  Press and Publicity report:  George Sales from the Raiders has featured in a  Surrey Mirror report  on the  U10s race at Goodwood following his success at the recent race there. 


Mike has booked the  Redhill and Reigate Golf Club room for the forthcoming social evening which will feature reports of the Mallorcan training trip, the Tour of Flanders  race and the recent Welsh trip . 


It is hoped we will hold the 'bits and bikes' auction in June. It was also felt that it would be nice to have a club social of some kind on a bi-monthly basis. 


So far around 17 people have expressed an interest in the proposed  weekend trip to Calais in September, Mike is to look into finding a suitable hotel.


14.  Road Events Secretary: In his inaugural meeting, Brian did not update on the role but took the opportunity to tell the meeting that a new bike shop in Horley (Mellow Miles Cycles) is prepared to give us a 15 % discount  and would be happy to sponsor an up and coming rider.  The support of Finches was also discussed and their willingness to help at the Festival of Sport etc via Chris Finch.


15. MTB secretary's report: MTB rides continuing successfully. Saturdays are experienced rides and we are looking for more people willing and able to lead social MTB rides on Sundays for those not technically as adept or as fit.


The branded Gazebo is now  due to be delivered within a week.  C&N now have our existing stock in shop and the design and order with Endura for new stock is almost there. The sample off-road jerseys are also at C&N for size fittings and it is expected that these will do well as they look great.


 16.  MTB events secretary's report: Gareth was happy to say the recent Welsh trip had been a great success and hopes to repeat it next year, there wil be a  trip to Dartmoor

16th-18th July.  The Saturday rides continue to be popular with a good variety of rides laid on.


17. Racing Secretary's report: Rupert is holding the next road racers' meeting at the Black Horse shortly where events and tactics will be discussed.  The Goodwood season is now getting under way, marshalls are all set  for the events we have to attend but more leaders required.


18. Time trial Secretary's report:  Geoff told us that David Motton and Jonathan Bradbourne are both doing well, Rupert has  taken a place at the Addiscombe 25 with an extremely good time.


On the matter of the club TTs that are due to start at Horne imminently there is a need to find another timekeeper to maybe get a few more riders on the course, a need for marshalls was also mentioned.  The possibility of 30 second starts was discussed - as was the idea of how to accommodate those who might be keen to try out Time Trialling for the first time - but it was noted that the limits are set by the resources available and police arrangements and can therefore not be arbitrarily increased to match demand.  Geoff proposed that we wait a few weeks and gauge interest before taking other action.


19. Promotions: as covered above in item 13.


20. Webmaster's report:  As stated earlier, Andrew is about ready to bring the new site online,  the old site could still be available if needed. A feature of the new site is the ability of people adding articles, photos and features to edit and re-edit without the need for approval of photos before entering a report. Andrew and Adrian explain many of the advantages the new site would offer. It was felt that it was now worth launching the new site even if not perfect and then to make running repairs if necessary. It was agreed this could go live in the next few days and huge thanks were extended to Andrew again for his hard work.


AOB.  Phil Clarke  brought up the  matter of an email being sent direct to the committee members commenting on previous minutes published on the website.  He feels such emails should not be sent to the committee alone as the purpose of them being published is openness so, consequently, the right place for such comments is also in open forum so all members can see views and comment if they agree or disagree.



- The meeting closed -



RCC Accounts - as at 26/4/2010 to follow in separate post