Sporting Time Trial

The Redhill CC Sporting TT took place on Sunday 26 February 2023. It was a cold start but soon the sun was out to welcome the 24 riders who turned up at the TT HQ in Wescott to ride 18 miles around the course. Previous week's negotiations with SCC had resulted in the traffic lights in the roadworks being removed just south of Holmbury St Mary which allowed the cyclist unhindered progress around the course.

The overall winner with a time of 00.40.41 was Paul Burton riding for Paceline RT, the fastest lady was Hayley Rigby of Clapham Chasers with a time of 00.50.49 and the fastest Redhill CC rider was Matthew Ferguson, 5th overall with a time of 00.44.38. The fastest road bike time was Danylo Riwnyj of Trainsharp with a time of 00.42.07.

Other Redhill riders were:

Ben Elliot - 8th overall

Steve Dewis - 16th overall

Nigel Main who's mechanical finished his ride early

Congratulations to all the riders who took part in the event and thank you to all the volunteers (all 20 of you!) for making this a successful TT. Without your help we cannot put on events like this.

We hope to see you all again back next year.

Event / Article Type
Redhill CC 19.4m Sporting TT
Overall winner Paul Burton