

We would like to hear your suggestions and comments on the website.

Loading pictures

Submitted by Michael G Ormerod on Tue, 05/08/2018 - 13:47

I can anyone help me. I want to load two more pictures to my latest post on yesterday's Bank Holiday Steady. They are Sunday Steady 07-05-2018 B and C. The also need rotating through 90°. I cannot find how dto do this. Thanks.

OpenStreetMap vs Google Maps

Submitted by rccadmin on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 20:46

Does anyone have any objections to retiring Google Maps in favour of OpenStreetMap?

It's partly to simplify things and partly because I think OSM is more detailed than GMap, for example it has paths and bridleways. This is probably part of the reason it is used on Strava.

You can compare the two here - GMap is at the top.

The only advantage I can see to GMap is street view.


New Version of Website

Submitted by rccadmin on Tue, 10/11/2016 - 19:16

The website has been migrated to Drupal 7.


The previous version of the site, which was released in 2010, was built in Drupal 6. Drupal 6 reached 'end of life' in early 2016 meaning it was no longer supported and any security problems would not be fixed.


All the old content (over 10 years worth) has been migrated. If you think anything is missing then let me know. The old version has been archived.


The new version has a slightly different appearance and uses a responsive layout, which means it can be read easier on a mobile phone or tablet.

RCC historic photos

Submitted by adewebb on Fri, 01/25/2013 - 07:50

I have a folder with the 'club history' stored inside including lots of photos from years gone by. I am bit by bit scanning and archiving it all digitally. So you can see some of the items involved, I've placed them into a shared folder here:

If you know anything about the pictures, you can add your own descriptions and comments.



RCC on Flickr

Submitted by Gareth on Sat, 10/15/2011 - 23:26

See here for RCC's own group on Flickr:

It's for storing and displaying cycling-related photos, either from RedhillCC rides or from rides that RedhillCC members have taken part in.

Anyone can view the page, although only members of the group can upload new photos. To become a member, go to the group page and click Join (its free).

The photos should all be searchable using the date in DDMMYYY format, and any extra info like MTB/Road, ride start point, event name etc.

Website pictures

Submitted by adewebb on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 23:37

There's currently a glitch on the site that's not allowing people to select photos - even ones that are clearly there... we're looking at it but it will stop reports going up in the meantime. Please bear with...
