

We would like to hear your suggestions and comments on the website.

Profile Picture

Submitted by bgerhold on Sun, 08/08/2010 - 19:45

I have just changed my my profile picture using Internet explorer (did not working using Mozilla Firefox)

When I view my profile on Internet explorer it shows my updated photo (wearing Redhill Jersey)

However when I view my profile on Firefox it shows my old photo (wearing the yellow jersey)

Is there any reason why this is happening?, and what Jersey is visible on everyone elses screens?

Report Summary

Submitted by rccadmin on Thu, 06/17/2010 - 10:30

When adding a report, please remember to use the 'Split summary at cursor' button. This will divide the body of the report into 'summary' and 'the rest'. The summary will then be shown as the greyed text just below the headline. I would recommend that the summary is only the first one or two sentences of the report.

Is the website too open?

Submitted by rccadmin on Sun, 05/23/2010 - 11:38

The website has two purposes: 1) to serve the club members and to bring the club together; 2) to let the outside world know what the club's about and to attract people to join.

The latter purpose doesn't necessarily require open access to all content (for example the forum and comments are already hidden from the outside world).

One possibility would be to restrict access to news articles, say, 3 months after publication, when they'd become visible only to authenticated users.

I wondered if anyone has any thoughts or concerns on this matter?

Old Website

Submitted by rccadmin on Wed, 05/12/2010 - 21:34

The old website is still accessible for the time being. The URL is:

Images aren't working properly because they are hard-coded to the www sub-domain, but other than that all the content should be accessible.

If you want to find historical race results then, until they are migrated to the new site, this is the place to look.

Website Content

Submitted by rccadmin on Wed, 04/28/2010 - 19:01

I am hoping to launch the new club website in the next day or two.

This will involve migrating all the content from the current site.

In preparation for this I've disabled adding or editing reports, events, and photos.

You can still use the forum, but that too will be getting disabled shortly.


Submitted by rccadmin on Tue, 02/02/2010 - 15:51

Thanks to Tim Sales for providing a much clearer, sharper logo for the top left corner of the website. (If it still looks the same in your browser hit Refresh.)

Redhill Raiders Website

Submitted by rccadmin on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 10:03

Visitors to the Redhill Raiders website will currently be presented with a holding page.

This is because we have just had the domain transferred to Host-It (the same company that hosts the RCC website) but the website itself has yet to be transferred from its old home to the Host-It server.

I hope to have it back to normal by Sunday.

Email Addresses on Website

Submitted by rccadmin on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 14:09

If you put your email address up on the website you are asking to be spammed.

Instead of putting, e.g.
it's safer to put
webmaster AT redhillcc DOT co DOT uk
or a similar format that is human-intelligible but not so machine-intelligible.

I am talking about content like calendar events, which can be trawled by any computer in the world. Forum content is safe as it can be seen by club members only.
