

This forum is available to committee members only.

Website - 'General News' Content Type

Submitted by rccadmin on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 13:06

The club website has several content types, the most important of which is 'event'. Everything else is event-orientated, e.g. uploaded images are linked to an event; results are added for an event, etc.

Likewise for the 'article' type - each article must be linked to an event. A better name for 'article' would in fact be 'event report' - according to how the website was designed.

The reason I deleted Russell's article a few weeks ago was really a technical one: it was not an event report, so didn't fit into the 'event report' content type.

Website - CMS

Submitted by rccadmin on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 12:13

Drupal is a website content management system (CMS). It is a platform for building content-driven, dynamically generated websites, and is especially suited to building community websites such as ours.

Our current website has a CMS - it was written by me, and consists of the pages for adding ride reports, uploading images, approving content, etc. Adding this CMS is what has opened up the website to a wider pool of contributors, meaning more content being regularly added, and therefore a fresher website.

Web Hosting Provider

Submitted by rccadmin on Wed, 10/29/2008 - 13:46

Our web hosting subscription is up for renewal in the next few days (we have just been invoiced)...

I am wondering if we should change provider.

We currently pay Host-It 59.95 + VAT for their 'Home Standard' package, see:

It gives us 800MB of disk space. It DOES NOT give us ASP.NET, which we need for the new version of the site I am developing.

Open Time Trials 2009

Submitted by rccadmin on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 16:10

Applications have been submitted to the district for two open time trials for 2009. They are the same as last year:

February, 18 miles
Event Secretary: Andrew Murray

June, 14.9 miles
Event Secretary: Trevor Chilman (Mark Gidney did not want to do it again next year)

New Article Format

Submitted by rccadmin on Sun, 06/22/2008 - 20:11

I've been working on a new format for news articles. Examples are here:


The idea is to make the format a bit more flexible so that this functionality can also be used for the more 'static' pages of the site.

The importance of Club Rides

Submitted by rccadmin on Fri, 06/20/2008 - 20:08

I do think weekend Club Rides are of vital importance in attracting new members. We need new, young talent crossing those finishing lines with Redhill shirts! I'm trying to tempt complete beginners to the Saturday intermediate rides, I'll suffer the numpties for the sake of discovering the next Lance. And Sunday's are vital for stretching the legs a bit more. One day, hopefully, we'll have different speed groups. This is why I'M BEGGING to get that cheesy photo off the club run page and update the text, which I'll send when you're ready. Please Mr Webmaster hear my plea!

Rewarding Marshals

Submitted by rccadmin on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 09:22

I think we should be rewarding members who turn out to marhsal for club organised events, or events that the club is involved in, e.g. SCCU events.

If the club has a surfeit of cash I think using it to say 'thank you' to marshals should be a higher priority than paying entry fees for races, etc., as has been suggested.