Mince Pie Run

Despite the BBC weather report showing 5C, at 8:30, there was widespread black ice. Peter Farnfield, our Chair, posted a delay on the start to 10 am. Unfortunately, some riders missed the posting (on Facebook and the Web site) and braved the ice to arrive for 9. Fortunately the Golf Club is open early for coffee, etc. At 10, some riders decided to play safe and drive to Tanhouse Farm,others rode there on a loop via Charlwood. Philip G and I took a short ride direct to our destination.

Mince Pie Run

Submitted by Michael G Ormerod on Sun, 12/09/2018 - 15:56

Free mince pies and mulled wine for members of Redhill CC at Tanhouse Farm from 11:00 to 12:00. Please let me know if you plan to join us at https://goo.gl/czWTPL by Friday morining. I will confirm numbers with Tanhouse Farm at midday on Friday.

I will lead a very easy paced ride planned to arrive at Tanhouse at about 11:00. There wiil probably be other, faster rides on offer.