Ben Instone joins Redhill racers for a day...

Ben Instone, one of the UK's top Time Trial and Racing cyclists, joined us for another great turnout of sixteen serious race minded road riders, led again by Allan Hopkins, firstly to see the start of Leith Hill for Sunday's hill climb event and then off for some fast 'through and off' practice on our usual home territory.

The weather was perfect, a little chilly at the start but everyone was suitably attired and we soon warmed up. The group later split as some riders were saving their legs for Sunday's events...even though the weather forecast, proved correct, was awful. Well done those who turned out on Sunday, I didn't!

A huge number of road riders had met at 9am at The Angel, in good spirits and the usual 'beginners/intermediate' ride went ahead, led by Mark Vincent. I believe they had a wonderful ride with a civilised tea stop in Lingfield.

Another great weekend for Redhill, catering for all levels of people passionate about cycling!

Event / Article Type
'Sporting' ROAD RIDE
a brief stop...for road works.