Off roaders and Roadies meet at Box Hill

We did it at last! The smooth and debonair Saturday road riders met up with the mud-splattered off-roaders at Box Hill. Rows of gleaming, polished and finely tuned racing machines were carefully parked a safe distance from the matt black monsters of the woods with their nobbly tyres, hydraulic brakes and weird suspension systems. But the off-roaders aren't such a bad crowd, maybe one day they'll tire of spending weekends in the launderette watching their dirty clothes go round and round...and consider the thrill and speed of flashing through the counties, with those magnificent athletes, the lycra lions (and lionesses) of the REDHILL ROAD SQUAD...pausing only to check their appearance in shop windows, seeking out the finest coffee shops and avoiding BIKER hangouts...GREAT to see you all! Hope you don't mind being teased. Your turn...

Redill off-road and road teams meet at Boxhill