A sunny and brisk 58 miles...

A fit looking bunch turned out on this sunny day and as leader I was struggling to keep the faster boys from disappearing and the slower riders interested.

Thankfully Bruce was there to help with the route, he knows the lanes as well as Graham (absent with other regular Sunday riders in Spain).

I held things up with a rare puncture and somewhere past Lydhurst we lost one man; apologies, we came back but couldn't find you!

Around Staplefield two other riders decided to head back for lunch and here's a point: there is no shame at all in saying you've had enough or have things to do, some Sunday rides are long and hard. 20/30/40 miles is a good ride by any standards and we want you to enjoy cycling and build up your fitness at YOUR pace.

Six of us made it to Tulleys for tea and cakes, we then set off for home.

I recorded 58 miles at 15.1, a bit fast for me as I'm still trying to get back to fitness.

That's nothing for Rory and Bruce, who probably did it all again before tea time!

Event / Article Type
Club road ride.
A fit looking bunch!