A Bicycle Made for Three

We had an excellent turnout of fourteen riders and one passenger for the club ride on November 11 which had Wiston as the tea stop but with this venue closed the ride made for Dial Post instead.

Amongst the peleton were Darrell and Allison aboard their tandem with young Heather as passenger in the trailer. Darrell commented they were not so fast on the hills, but they easily kept up on the flat. Probably young Heather was the only dry one in the group when we reached Dial Post for tea at Old Barn Nurseries where both the speed of service and finding somewhere to sit are problems.

After 40 mins it was time for the main bunch to leave and be back at the Angel by about 13.30 whilst the rest of us took our time, had a further stop at Tanhouse Farm for a hot chocolate and home made pasty and back by 14.30, a round trip distance of about 56 miles.

Event / Article Type
Club Run to Wiston
No pictures today, so an old one of Graham