Dears Leap Park

We had eleven riders turn up for the Deers Leap Experience,it soon


aooarent the leader had not visited site beforehand as the first track


took them up ended at a footpath on the edge of the park.

After consulting the more experienced map readers among us we set off


explore.We soon discovered the park is not all that big as we kept


the only other user of the park,a solitary man in red,he was always

going in

the opposite direction so we must have been doing something right.The


were extremely muddy in most places ,so much so that several riders


to a halt to unclag their machines,the mud was a curious mixture of


mud,sand with a little clay thrown in for good measure.

We found some technical bits,one of which consisted of a couple of

boardwalk bridges over a small stream,Most negotiated these alright


two or three of us(me included) came to grief on the return trip


ingloriousley in the mud but at least manageing to avoid the stream.I

declined the offer to wear some bunny ears that Phil found,however Adam


more than eager to take on the role.

After about an hour and a half I think we had had enough and retired to


small booth for a hot drink and not a lot else.

To summarise.It is quite a small course which is probably suited to

occasional riders in the warmer and drier months,it also felt a little

curious having a Saturday run without a clear route and destination.I


hoped some on roaders who have not yet tried mountain bikingwould have


along for the experience in which case it would have been idealy



Event / Article Type
Dears Leap Park
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